There are so many matters related to garage doors, the more we talk about them the more subjects pop. These matters are associated with the way they're constructed, the way they work, their problems, solutions, options among materials, opener models – you name it! Though, you don't have to know everything about this lovely mechanism it's enough to know some basics in order to understand the logic behind this huge door and its essential needs. When you know such things, the right decisions are made to ensure your own security and safety.
What you should know about your garage door
Let's start with the birth of a garage door. They're manufactured with different materials not just for aesthetic reasons but for practical purposes. You might like wood but end up getting glass doors due to high humidity. When you choose a new door, one of the first things you must check is the space in your garage. This will allow you to know which type of door is needed, since they all open in a different way, and require more or less space. Overhead sectional doors are more flexible than one-piece doors and their speed can be regulated by you while one-piece doors move at the same low speed.
Garage door openers must integrate safety features, which comply with UL 325, determine the speed of the door, and how far it will open and close. Springs lift and lower the door due to their tension, which is also the worse enemy for people if they try to repair springs alone. Garage door parts have a specific lifespan which is ensured with good maintenance, especially lubrication. Galvanized steel parts require lubrication maintenance so that cracks will be avoided and they'll protect steel from rusting. Despite their material, all repair parts must be chosen in accordance with the door's weight so they can properly move it. That's basics!