Does Your Garage Door Need a Checkup?
Your garage door is something you likely take for granted, but if you want to be able to come in and out of it with ease, keeping it maintained is a must. If you don't want to find yourself caught with a door that takes far too long to open, or one that won't open at all, it's best to stay a step ahead and have it looked at before a major problem arises. Don't wait for a bad day in the making, instead have one of our local trained technicians drop in at a time that works for you.
What Does Maintenance Entail?
Garage door maintenance can be anything from small repairs of various parts that keep your door functioning, to even just applying some lubrication to get everything running smoothly again. This may sound like a minor job that you yourself could handle, but our team members might see something you won't that could prove to be costly if left unchecked. Switching out an older part for a new one today could save you a lot of hassle tomorrow if it suddenly breaks and leaves you with a stuck door.
Tired of All the Noise?
As your garage door ages and endures constant use, parts can loosen or become worn which may cause a lot of rackets. Nobody wants to hear a lot of groaning and clattering first thing in the morning, so instead of waking up everyone in the house, have us take care of it! Your family will thank you, and so will your ears.
Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe
While far less dangerous than they once were, your garage door could still be a risk if it isn't well maintained. The sensors that tell the door when to come to a stop if something's in its path can become tweaked, or even broken without you knowing. This can impair their ability to work properly, which could put kids or pets in harm's way. It's best to be on the safe side and allow us to test for any possible issue. Call now! Take initiative, and let us make your garage door like new again today.